Editorial Roles

Editorial Roles

Last updated: 2022-04-30

Looking to contribute your expertise and influence the direction of impactful research? Explore diverse editorial roles at STM, where your passion for knowledge meets a global audience.


The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) is a prestigious and influential role within the scholarly publishing community and determines the look and feel of the publication, has the final say in what is published and what isn't, and leads the publication's team of editors, copyeditors, and writers.


  • A distinguished academic background with a terminal degree (Ph.D., MD, or equivalent) in a field relevant to the Journal's scope.
  • Expertise and Experience: The EIC should be a recognized expert in their field with at least 25+ years of experience after earning the Ph.D./Master's Degree., along with minimum 13+ years of teaching experience with At least 10 International Research paper publications.
  • A track record of significant and impactful research contributions in the Journal's subject area, demonstrating deep knowledge and authority in the field and a substantial publication history in reputable peer-reviewed journals, showcasing expertise and scholarship.
  • Leadership and Management Skills: Strong leadership capabilities and the ability to guide the Journal towards achieving its goals, fostering collaboration, and nurturing a cohesive editorial team.
  • Editorial Experience: Prior experience as an associate editor, editorial board member, or reviewer for reputable Journals, reflecting familiarity with the peer-review process and publication ethics.
  • Ethical Stewardship: A commitment to upholding ethical standards in research and publication, including handling potential conflicts of interest and maintaining confidentiality.
  • Networking: Well-established connections within the academic and research community, which can help attract quality submissions and collaborations.
  • Vision and Strategy: A clear vision for the Journal's development, including strategies for increasing its impact, visibility, and relevance within the field.
  • Time Commitment: Availability to dedicate sufficient time to editorial responsibilities, including manuscript assessment, decision-making, and engagement with authors and reviewers.


  • Editorial Oversight: The EIC has the primary responsibility for ensuring the quality, relevance, and integrity of the Journal's content. You oversee the entire editorial process, including manuscript handling, peer review, and final decision-making. You work closely with the editorial board, reviewers, and authors to maintain high editorial standards.
  • Setting Editorial Policies: As the EIC, you establish and enforce editorial policies that govern the Journal's operations. This includes guidelines for manuscript submission, peer review processes, ethical considerations, and conflicts of interest. You ensure that these policies align with the industry's best practices and ethical standards.
  • Managing the Editorial Team: You oversee the editorial team, including associate editors, managing editors, and editorial staff. You provide guidance, support, and mentorship to team members, ensuring efficient workflow, clear communication, and adherence to established timelines.
  • Journal Promotion and Growth: The EIC plays a crucial role in promoting the Journal and expanding its readership and impact. This involves actively networking within the research community, attending conferences, engaging with authors and reviewers, and collaborating with other scholars. You identify opportunities for growth, implement marketing strategies, and work towards enhancing the Journal's reputation.
  • Official Representation: The Editor-in-Chief's signature signifies their official representation of the Journal and its editorial board. It is a symbol of their commitment to upholding the Journal's standards and values.
  • Responsibility Acknowledgment: By signing certificates and letterheads, the Editor-in-Chief acknowledges their responsibility to oversee the Journal's content quality, ethical standards, and adherence to policies.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Providing constructive feedback to authors to enhance the quality of their submissions and contributing to the continuous improvement of the Journal.

Why you should become STM's Editor-in-Chief?

  • Leadership and Influence: As the EIC, you have the opportunity to lead and shape the direction of the Journal. You have the authority to set the editorial vision, establish the Journal's scope, and drive its development. Your role allows you to have a significant impact on the research community and shape the discourse in your field.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Serving as the EIC provides excellent networking opportunities. You can establish connections with prominent researchers, authors, and experts in your field. This can lead to fruitful collaborations, invitations to conferences and seminars, and participation in scholarly activities that enhance your professional reputation.
  • Professional Development: Being an EIC allows you to continuously expand your knowledge and expertise. You will stay up-to-date with the latest research trends, advancements, and emerging topics in your field. This helps to sharpen your critical thinking, analytical skills, and research acumen, contributing to your professional development.

Associate Editor-in-Chief


  • A distinguished academic background with a terminal degree (Ph.D., MD, or equivalent) in a field relevant to the Journal's scope.
  • Expertise and Experience: The AEIC should be a recognized expert in their field with at least 20-25 years of experience after earning the Ph.D./Master's Degree along with minimum 13+ years of teaching experience with At least 5 International Research paper publications.
  • A track record of significant and impactful research contributions in the Journal's subject area, demonstrating deep knowledge and authority in the field and a substantial publication history in reputable peer-reviewed journals, showcasing expertise and scholarship.
  • Editorial Experience: Prior experience as an associate editor, editorial board member, or reviewer for reputable Journals, reflecting familiarity with the peer-review process and publication ethics.
  • Ethical Stewardship: A commitment to upholding ethical standards in research and publication, including handling potential conflicts of interest and maintaining confidentiality.
  • Networking: Well-established connections within the academic and research community, which can help attract quality submissions and collaborations.
  • Vision and Strategy: A clear vision for the Journal's development, including strategies for increasing its impact, visibility, and relevance within the field.
  • Time Commitment: Availability to dedicate sufficient time to editorial responsibilities, including manuscript assessment, decision-making, and engagement with authors and reviewers.


  • Defining Section Scope: Defining and refining the scope and trajectory of the specific Journal section you oversee.
  • Editorial Board Suggestions: Recommending suitable Editorial Board members for the section, ensuring expertise and diversity.
  • Section Oversight: Supervising the section's technical aspects, elevating its scientific content, and maintaining quality.
  • Manuscript Assessment: Conducting preliminary evaluations of submitted manuscripts and making informed decisions that uphold publication excellence.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring manuscripts meet quality standards before proceeding to the peer review process.
  • Annual Strategy: Determining the annual development strategy for the section, aligning with the Journal's goals.
  • Promotion and Awareness: Actively contributing to promoting the section's growth, enhancing its impact, and increasing public awareness.

Why you should become STM's Associate Editor-in-Chief?

  • Influential Role: As an Associate Editor-in-Chief, you'll have a significant impact on shaping the direction and quality of our Journal's content.
  • Contribution to Scholarship: You'll play a pivotal role in advancing scholarly knowledge by curating high-quality research within your field.
  • Leadership Opportunities: This role offers a chance to exhibit leadership skills, guiding authors and reviewers towards impactful contributions.
  • Networking and Collaboration: You'll interact with experts in your field, fostering collaborations, and expanding your professional network.
  • Enhanced Expertise: Engaging with diverse research topics will deepen your understanding and enrich your expertise.
  • Publication Insight: Gain valuable insights into the publication process, enhancing your understanding of peer review and editorial best practices.
  • Recognition and Reputation: This position enhances your academic reputation and positions you as a respected authority in your field.
  • Academic Growth: You'll continuously learn and stay updated with evolving trends, contributing to your personal and professional growth.
  • Direct Impact: Your decisions will directly influence research visibility, contributing to the advancement of your field.
  • Educational Engagement: Promote your field's growth by encouraging submissions and fostering interest among students and professionals.
  • Contributing to Society: Facilitate the dissemination of impactful research, contributing to solutions for real-world challenges.


The Editor play a crucial role in the scholarly publishing process, ensuring the quality and integrity of published research.


  • A distinguished academic background with a terminal degree (Ph.D., MD, or equivalent) in a field relevant to the Journal's scope.
  • Expertise and Experience: The Editor should be a recognized expert in their field with at least 15-20 years of experience after earning the Ph.D./Master's Degree., along with minimum 10+ years of teaching experience with At least 5 International Research paper publications.
  • A track record of significant and impactful research contributions in the Journal's subject area, demonstrating deep knowledge and authority in the field and a substantial publication history in reputable peer-reviewed journals, showcasing expertise and scholarship.
  • Excellent Communication and Decision-Making Skills: Editors should have effective communication skills to provide constructive feedback to authors and guide the review process. They should also possess strong decision-making skills to assess the quality and relevance of manuscripts.
  • Time Commitment: Editors should have the necessary time and commitment to devote to the responsibilities of the position. They should be able to manage their workload and adhere to publication timelines.
  • Be actively involved in the discussion and finalization of the strategic plan and long-term achievement of the journal with the Editor-in-Chief and other Editorial Board members.


  • Manuscript Evaluation: Editors are responsible for evaluating the quality, relevance, and originality of submitted manuscripts. They assess the suitability of manuscripts for publication, ensuring they meet the Journal's standards and align with its scope.
  • Peer Review Management: Editors oversee the peer review process, selecting appropriate reviewers, evaluating their comments, and making final decisions based on reviewer feedback. They ensure a fair and rigorous review process that maintains the integrity of the Journal.
  • Editorial Decision-Making: Editors make decisions on the acceptance, revision, or rejection of manuscripts based on reviewer comments and their own assessment. They provide authors with constructive feedback and guidance to improve the quality of their work.
  • Journal Promotion and Development: Editors play a role in promoting the Journal within the academic community. They engage in networking, attend conferences, and collaborate with other researchers to increase the Journal's visibility, readership, and impact.
  • Ethical Considerations: Editors uphold ethical standards in publishing, ensuring the integrity of the research and avoiding plagiarism, fraud, or conflicts of interest. They handle any potential ethical concerns that arise during the review process.

Why you should become STM's Editor?

  • Contribution to the Field: Editors have the opportunity to contribute significantly to their respective fields by shaping the content and direction of the Journal. Through their editorial decisions and guidance, they advance knowledge and facilitate scholarly discourse.
  • Professional Development: Serving as an editor offers valuable professional development opportunities. Editors stay updated with the latest research trends, gain insights into emerging topics, and expand their expertise through continuous engagement with high-quality manuscripts.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Editors have the chance to network with renowned researchers, authors, and experts in their field. This networking can lead to collaborations, invitations to conferences, and increased visibility within the academic community.
  • Enhancing Reputation: Being an editor enhances professional reputation and credibility. Editors are recognized as experts in their fields and are sought after for their expertise and insights. This can open doors to new career opportunities and collaborations.


Being an editor for an academic Journal is a prestigious and rewarding role that allows you to contribute to the scholarly community, shape research directions, and have a lasting impact on the quality of academic publications.

  • Leadership and Decision-Making Role: As an editor for an academic journal, you assume a leadership position within the research community. You have the opportunity to shape the direction and quality of scholarly publications, making crucial decisions about the acceptance and rejection of manuscripts.
  • Enhanced Professional Reputation: Serving as an editor elevates your professional reputation within your field of expertise. It showcases your expertise, knowledge, and judgment, which can lead to increased recognition from peers, colleagues, and the academic community at large.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Being part of an editorial board provides ample networking opportunities with other esteemed researchers, editors, and scholars. This network can foster collaborations, exchange of ideas, and joint research projects, allowing you to expand your professional connections and broaden your research horizons.
  • Access to Cutting-Edge Research: As an editor, you gain access to the latest advancements and cutting-edge research in your field. This exposure enables you to stay at the forefront of your discipline and facilitates continuous learning and professional development.
  • Mentorship and Development of Early Career Researchers: Serving as an editor allows you to contribute to the growth and development of early career researchers. You can provide guidance, feedback, and mentorship to aspiring scholars, helping them navigate the publication process and fostering their academic growth.
  • Editorial Training and Support: Many academic journals offer training and support for their editors, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their editorial duties effectively. This training may include workshops, webinars, and resources on manuscript evaluation, ethical considerations, and best practices in scholarly publishing.
  • Influence on Research Direction: As an editor, you have the opportunity to influence the research direction within your field. By accepting manuscripts that align with the Journal's scope and objectives, you can shape the research agenda and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your area of expertise.
  • Professional Development and Recognition: Serving as an editor provides continuous professional development opportunities. You gain experience in manuscript evaluation, peer review, and editorial decision-making, enhancing your skills as a researcher and academic professional. Additionally, your role as an editor is acknowledged and recognized within the academic community, further bolstering your professional standing.
  • Contribution to Quality and Impact: Editors play a vital role in maintaining the high standards and quality of academic publishing. By ensuring rigorous peer review and selecting impactful research, you contribute to the overall advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of influential scholarly work.
  • Editorial Board Membership Benefits: In addition to the benefits mentioned in the quoted text, editors commonly enjoy advantages such as access to special editorials or thematic issues, recognition through editor profiles and biographies on the Journal's website, the opportunity to attend conferences or symposia as representatives of the Journal, and the ability to shape journal policies and initiatives.

Section Editors

Section Editors play a crucial role in the editorial process of a Journal, overseeing specific sections or thematic areas and usually manage the Review of submissions and the editing of those that are accepted.


  • A distinguished academic background with a terminal degree (Ph.D., MD, or equivalent) in a field relevant to the Journal's scope.
  • Expertise and Experience: The Section Editor should be a recognized full-time faculty at a university or academic institution with at least 11-15 years of experience after earning the Ph.D./Master's Degree.
  • A track record of significant and impactful research contributions in the Journal's subject area, demonstrating deep knowledge and authority in the field and a substantial publication history in reputable peer-reviewed journals, showcasing expertise and scholarship.
  • Excellent Communication and Decision-Making Skills: Editors should have effective communication skills to provide constructive feedback to authors and guide the review process. They should also possess strong decision-making skills to assess the quality and relevance of manuscripts.
  • Time Commitment: Editors should have the necessary time and commitment to devote to the responsibilities of the position. They should be able to manage their workload and adhere to publication timelines.
  • Section editors must agree to a two-year commitment with the option to extend.


  • Content Expertise: Possess an in-depth understanding of the specific subject area assigned to the section.
  • Manuscript Evaluation: Review submitted manuscripts for suitability within the section's scope and standards.
  • Reviewer Selection: Identify and invite appropriate reviewers to ensure thorough and unbiased assessments.
  • Peer Review Coordination: Oversee the peer review process, ensuring timely feedback from reviewers.
  • Decision Making: Make well-informed decisions on manuscript acceptance, revision, or rejection.
  • Quality Enhancement: Collaborate with authors and reviewers to improve the clarity, rigor, and overall quality of manuscripts.
  • Ethical Considerations: Uphold ethical standards, identifying potential conflicts of interest, and addressing ethical concerns.
  • Communication: Maintain effective communication with authors, reviewers, and the editorial team.
  • Editorial Board Engagement: Collaborate with the editorial board to enhance the section's impact and relevance.
  • Promotion: Actively promote the section, attracting high-quality submissions and expanding its influence.
  • Timeliness: Ensure the efficient progression of manuscripts through the review process.
  • Strategic Alignment: Align the section's goals with the overall editorial vision of the Journal.
  • Continuous Improvement: Contribute to the Journal's growth by providing feedback for enhancing editorial processes.
  • Adherence to Policies: Ensure that submissions adhere to the Journal's guidelines and policies.
  • Professional Development: Stay updated on evolving research trends to maintain the section's academic relevance.
  • Publication Ethics: Uphold publication ethics and address any concerns or breaches.
  • Decision Transparency: Communicate decisions and recommendations to authors, offering constructive feedback.
  • Editorial Contribution: Support the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor-in-Chief in Journal development.

Why you should become STM's Section Editor?

  • Subject Expertise: As a Section Editor, you'll leverage your expertise to shape and elevate content within your specific field of interest.
  • Quality Impact: You'll directly impact the quality and integrity of published research, contributing to the advancement of scholarly knowledge.
  • Leadership Role: This role positions you as a leader in your field, guiding authors, reviewers, and contributing to editorial decisions.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engaging with peers, authors, and reviewers fosters valuable collaborations and expands your professional network.
  • Enhanced Expertise: Involvement with diverse research subjects deepens your understanding and expertise within your field.
  • Publication Insights: Gain insights into the publication process, refining your knowledge of peer review and scholarly publishing.
  • Recognition and Reputation: Serving as a Section Editor enhances your academic reputation and establishes you as a respected authority.
  • Academic Growth: Stay updated with emerging research trends, contributing to your ongoing growth and expertise.
  • Direct Contribution: Your decisions directly influence research visibility and the dissemination of impactful findings.
  • Educational Influence: Foster interest in your field by encouraging submissions and engaging with students and professionals.
  • Real-world Impact: Facilitate the sharing of valuable research, contributing to real-world solutions and advancements.

Guest Editors

They are responsible for managing the papers and for the quality of the content. Every paper in the issue must maintain the quality standards of the journal. Research papers must be scientifically excellent, and all content must be novel and interesting to the general readership.

For more details about Special Issues and Guest Editors:

Advisory Board Members

Guides the Journal to always improve the aim and scope in the relevant field.

For more details about Advisory Board Member, their Eligibility, Roles & Responsibilities and Benefits:

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