Black Hole and Accretion Disks:Observational Discoveries and Theoretical Frameworks

Year : 2024 | Volume :01 | Issue : 01 | Page : –

Nidhi Gupta,

Rohit Singh Lather,

Deepak Kumar Bhalla,

  1. Research Scholar Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad Haryana India
  2. Head of Department , Multidisciplinary Engineering Department, The NorthCap University, Gurugram Haryana India
  3. Director Dean Mechanical Engineering Department, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad Haryana India


This review covers the essential elements of black hole accretion disk theory, beginning with the primary objective of understanding the complex nature of black holes. We delve into how key features of strong gravity, such as the event horizon, innermost stable circular orbit, and ergosphere, manifest in accretion disks. This review revisits the physical mechanisms driving accretion disks and presents four main models: thin disks, Shakura-Sunyaev disks, advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs), and Polish doughnuts (thick disks). Each model is examined in detail to highlight its unique characteristics and contributions to our understanding of black hole environments.
Following the presentation of these models, we address crucial aspects such as stability, oscillations, and the formation of jets within these accretion disks. The review then concludes with specific astrophysical applications, including quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), black hole accretion disk spectral states, comparisons between black hole and neutron star accretion disks, and measurements of black hole mass and spin.
Recent X-ray observations have detected broad emission lines in the innermost regions of accretion disks in microquasars and Seyfert galaxies. These lines exhibit a distinctive two-peak profile when observed from a low inclination angle, with additional peaks appearing at high angles (> 85°). Matt et al. (1993) used the Schwarzschild black hole metric to study this effect and suggested it extends to the Kerr metric. We confirm and validate their conjecture regarding the spectral line shape in the Kerr metric. Additionally, we examine how the morphologies of iron spectral lines can provide insights into the maximum magnetic field strength near the black hole horizon, offering a deeper understanding of these enigmatic regions.

Keywords: Black holes, accretion disk, gravitational lensing , black hole shadow, Penrose process, Blandford- Znajek process

[This article belongs to International Journal of Universe(iju)]

How to cite this article: Nidhi Gupta, Rohit Singh Lather, Deepak Kumar Bhalla. Black Hole and Accretion Disks:Observational Discoveries and Theoretical Frameworks. International Journal of Universe. 2024; 01(01):-.
How to cite this URL: Nidhi Gupta, Rohit Singh Lather, Deepak Kumar Bhalla. Black Hole and Accretion Disks:Observational Discoveries and Theoretical Frameworks. International Journal of Universe. 2024; 01(01):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 01
Issue 01
Received July 27, 2024
Accepted August 15, 2024
Published August 16, 2024

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