Optimal Design of Solar Roof Top Photovoltaic Plant Under Various Operating Conditions

Year : 2024 | Volume :01 | Issue : 01 | Page : 34-45

Amulya H.G.,

  1. Assistant Professor, Sai Vidya Institute Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


As conventional energy sources are quickly exhausted, the need to switch to sustainable alternatives has never been more urgent. The transition from conventional energy resources to renewable sources, particularly solar energy, has emerged as a pivotal step towards sustainable development This paper explores the advantages of solar power plants, with a focus on rooftop solar installations. Installing solar panels on a roof is revolutionizing the industry. The design phase of a solar power plant is a critical stage that lays the foundation for its long-term performance, efficiency, and economic viability. This project presents detailed designing process of a solar power plant, encompassing technical consideration, various layouts and key elements essential for successful implementation. However, rooftop solar plant faces several challenges, ranging from technical constraints to financial barriers. This paper sets out the technique and significance of planning and simulating a 116KWP demo site with solar roof top plant. Firstly, it begins with a comprehensive site assessment that is portion of the design process which includes several critical steps. To ensure maximum solar irradiance and energy output, terminologies such as roof orientation, tilt angle, shading and available space should be attentively evaluated. Moreover, local regulations, building codes, and structural integrity are important in ensuring that designs comply with standards and safety regulations. Simulation is instrumental in assessing the performance of the proposed design under different circumstances. Affordable software tools permit accurate modelling of parameters like solar irradiance, panel efficiency, system losses and financial projections. By simulating various configurations and parameters, one can find best options in terms of design that maximize electricity produced.

Keywords: Roof top, solar plant, design, simulation, efficiency, solar irradiance

[This article belongs to International Journal of Photochemistry and Photochemical Research (ijppr)]

How to cite this article:
Amulya H.G.. Optimal Design of Solar Roof Top Photovoltaic Plant Under Various Operating Conditions. International Journal of Photochemistry and Photochemical Research. 2024; 01(01):34-45.
How to cite this URL:
Amulya H.G.. Optimal Design of Solar Roof Top Photovoltaic Plant Under Various Operating Conditions. International Journal of Photochemistry and Photochemical Research. 2024; 01(01):34-45. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijppr/article=2024/view=175852

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  1. Bhubaneswari Parida, S. Iniyan, Ranko Goic. “A Review of solar photovoltaic technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews” 2011; 15(3): 1625–1636.
  2. “Performance Evaluation of Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plant” Kanchan Matiyali M.Tech Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Technology, UTU, Dehradun, India [email protected] Alaknanda Ashok Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering College of Technology, GBPUA&T & UTU, Dehradun, India [email protected]
  3. “Feasibility study and Performance evaluation of a grid-connected Rooftop Solar PV system” Jaya Vasita1, Querie Shakhiya2,  Jvalant Modi 3 1 Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute, P. D. P. University, [email protected], Gandhinagar 382007, India. 2 Silver Oak Institute of Technology, [email protected], Ahmedabad 382481, India. 3 Aditya Silver Oak Institute of Technology, [email protected], Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481, India.
  4. Prajapati, E. Fernandez “Rooftop solar PV system for commercial office buildings for EV charging load” 2019 IEEE international conference on smart instrumentation, measurement and application (ICSIMA), IEEE (2019), pp. 1–5.
  5. F. Nassar “Solar energy engineering active applications” Sebha University, Libya (2006)
  6. Winston, D. Kumaravel, S. Kumar, B. Devakirubakaran “Performance improvement of solar PV array topologies during various partial shading conditions,” Solar Energy, vol. 196, pp. 228– 242, 2020.
  7. Infield, L. Freris, “Renewable Energy in Power Systems”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Feb. 2020.
  8. Sharma, C. P. Kurian and L. S. Paragond, “Solar PV System Design Using PVsyst: A Case Study of an Academic Institute,” 2018 International Conference on Control, Power, Communication and Computing Technologies (ICCPCCT, Kannur, pp. 123–128, 2018.
  9. Rathore, P.K.S., D.S. Chauhan, R. P. Singh. 2019. “Decentralized solar rooftop photovoltaic in India: On the path of sustainable energy security, Renewable Energy”, 131. Pp. 297–307.
  10. Atluri K, Hananya SM, Navothna B. “Performance of rooftop solar PV system with crystalline solar cells”. In: 2018 national power engineering conference (NPEC). IEEE; 2018. p. 1–4.


Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 01
Issue 01
Received May 13, 2024
Accepted May 31, 2024
Published July 8, 2024

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