Unveiling the Potential of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil – A Sustainable Solution for Energy and Environmental Challenges: A Mini Review

Year : 2024 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 02 | Page : 01-07

    Sandeep Rai,


Pyrolysis is a technology to recover energy from the End-of-Life tyre or scrap Tyres by converting into various useful products like. tyre pyrolysis oil (TPO), pyro-gas and solid char or carbon sooth also known as raw recycled carbon black. Tyre Pyro Oil is a dark brown/black coloured liquid and used as a fuel in compression ignition (CI) engines, industrial furnaces & power plants etc. The TPO like other fuels contains different hydrocarbons ranging from C5-C20 and can be used as an alternate source of energy and will greatly help in reducing the consumption of petroleum fuels. In addition, the potential energy content of TPO possesses many advantages like the possibility of recycling carbon dioxide (CO2) which will lead to significant fall in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), relatively much lesser environment pollution as compared to burning of waste tyres in open atmosphere, and recovery of value added chemicals etc. It was also documented that TPO contains some phenolic compounds which can be used as an antioxidant when blended with bio-diesel. In this review article, conversion of waste tyre into useful and value-added form of energy by pyrolysis process i.e. Tyre Pyrolysis Oil [TPO] and its potential applications are discussed.

Keywords: Pyrolysis, Tyre Pyrolysis, TPO, Recycled Carbon Black, End of Life Tyres

[This article belongs to International Journal of Green Chemistry (ijgc)]

How to cite this article:
Sandeep Rai. Unveiling the Potential of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil – A Sustainable Solution for Energy and Environmental Challenges: A Mini Review. International Journal of Green Chemistry. 2024; 10(02):01-07.
How to cite this URL:
Sandeep Rai. Unveiling the Potential of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil – A Sustainable Solution for Energy and Environmental Challenges: A Mini Review. International Journal of Green Chemistry. 2024; 10(02):01-07. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijgc/article=2024/view=155833


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 10
Issue 02
Received 28/05/2024
Accepted 03/06/2024
Published 10/07/2024

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