Super Twisting Algorithm Based Sliding Mode Controlled Boost Converter

Year : 2024 | Volume :02 | Issue : 01 | Page : 39-49

Sam Anasraj

Alan Don Joseph

Basil P. Thomas

Soumya K. G

Anasraj R

Amal Santhosh

  1. Student Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor Kerala India
  2. Student Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor Kerala India
  3. Student Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor Kerala India
  4. Student Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor Kerala India
  5. Professor Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Government Engineering College Thrissur Kerala India
  6. Student Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Kidangoor Kerala India


This work provides analysis of boost converter with super-twisting algorithm under sliding mode operating in continuous conduction mode. The super-twisting algorithm reduces the chattering effect which is inherent in conventional sliding mode control. Generally, chattering increases heat losses, thereby decreasing the performance of the boost converter. Above said control strategy minimizes the initial current peak and provides highly improved output voltage regulation irrespective of the input voltage perturbation and load changes. The performances of boost converter under conventional sliding mode control law and under super-twisting control law are also compared to evaluate the effect of chattering

Keywords: DC/DC boost converter, chattering, sliding mode control, super-twisting algorithm, loop control structure

[This article belongs to International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behavior(ijemb)]

How to cite this article: Sam Anasraj, Alan Don Joseph, Basil P. Thomas, Soumya K. G, Anasraj R, Amal Santhosh. Super Twisting Algorithm Based Sliding Mode Controlled Boost Converter. International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behavior. 2024; 02(01):39-49.
How to cite this URL: Sam Anasraj, Alan Don Joseph, Basil P. Thomas, Soumya K. G, Anasraj R, Amal Santhosh. Super Twisting Algorithm Based Sliding Mode Controlled Boost Converter. International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behavior. 2024; 02(01):39-49. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 02
Issue 01
Received May 23, 2024
Accepted June 11, 2024
Published July 12, 2024

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