Wearable Safety Device for Protecting Women from Harassment in a Public Place

Year : 2024 | Volume :01 | Issue : 02 | Page : 32-35

Khushi Satish Singh,

Priya Ramkumar Singh,

  1. Research Scholar MCA, Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Mumbai Maharashtra India
  2. Research Scholar MCA, Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Mumbai Maharashtra India


Women’s safety is currently an important issue in India. The crime rate against women in this country is only increasing rapidly. Women have to think twice before leaving the house, especially at night. Nowadays, in the current context of globalization, women face many challenges along with safety issues. There are many apps and devices available to ensure women’s safety through smartphones. Although smartphones have developed rapidly, it is not always possible to have a phone in hand to make calls or press buttons, so here we have introduced a new technique through hidden wearable device. This device will be hidden and not visible, so when any women is at risk of sexual assault or is vulnerable, she can directly press the help me or emergency button.

Keywords: Women, protection, safety, device, smart device

[This article belongs to International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behavior(ijemb)]

How to cite this article: Khushi Satish Singh, Priya Ramkumar Singh. Wearable Safety Device for Protecting Women from Harassment in a Public Place. International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behavior. 2024; 01(02):32-35.
How to cite this URL: Khushi Satish Singh, Priya Ramkumar Singh. Wearable Safety Device for Protecting Women from Harassment in a Public Place. International Journal of Electro-Mechanics and Material Behavior. 2024; 01(02):32-35. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijemb/article=2024/view=141065

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 01
Issue 02
Received March 13, 2024
Accepted March 16, 2024
Published April 10, 2024