An Evaluation of the Impact of Deep Breathing Exercises on Reducing Academic Stress in B.Sc. Nursing Semester Students

Year : 2024 | Volume :02 | Issue : 02 | Page : 8-16

Reny Thomas,

Anjali Samson,










  1. Principal, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  2. Faculty, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  3. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  4. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  5. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  6. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  7. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  8. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  9. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  10. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India
  11. Student, Maharaja Agrasen Nursing College, Haryana, India


Introduction: Academic stress nowadays is one of the considerable problems in nursing students which need to be tackle for improvement of their profession. Objectives: The objectives of the study were a) To assess level of stress among 3rd semester and 4th semester BSc Nursing students (b) To assess the effectiveness of selective self-help technique among 3rd semester and 4th semester Nursing students, (c) To compare pre-test and post-test score regarding the effectiveness selective self-help technique on stress among 3rd semester and 4th semester BSc Nursing students, (d) To investigate the relationship between pre-test scores and demographic variables, a quantitative research approach was employed in this study. Methods and Methodology:A sample of 98 B.Sc. nursing students in their semester was chosen using a convenience sampling method. The study utilized a modified academic stress scale as its instrument. A preliminary study was conducted to assess the viability of the research. Result and conclusion: The result of study revealed that majority (83.67%) of nursing students had stress, (mild stress 45.92% (45) and 25.51% (25) had moderate stress and 12.24% (12) had severe stress). Mean pre-test score was 73.0306 and the standard deviation was 31.3399, mean post-test score was 27.8163 and the standard deviation was 18.1763. The mean difference score was 45.2143. Z Value 12.36 and higher than table value (z=1.98) at 0.05 level of significance. This suggests that the demonstration successfully lowered the academic stress levels among nursing students.

Keywords: Academic stress, Self-help technique, Nursing students, Preliminary study, Moderate stress

[This article belongs to International Journal of Evidence Based Nursing And Practices (ijebnp)]

How to cite this article:
Reny Thomas, Anjali Samson, Khushi, Bharti, Aneesha, Disha, Jasmine, Nikita, Monika, Sheetal, Tanu. An Evaluation of the Impact of Deep Breathing Exercises on Reducing Academic Stress in B.Sc. Nursing Semester Students. International Journal of Evidence Based Nursing And Practices. 2024; 02(02):8-16.
How to cite this URL:
Reny Thomas, Anjali Samson, Khushi, Bharti, Aneesha, Disha, Jasmine, Nikita, Monika, Sheetal, Tanu. An Evaluation of the Impact of Deep Breathing Exercises on Reducing Academic Stress in B.Sc. Nursing Semester Students. International Journal of Evidence Based Nursing And Practices. 2024; 02(02):8-16. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 02
Issue 02
Received July 22, 2024
Accepted August 20, 2024
Published September 18, 2024

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