Coronary Vascular Disease: A General Review wsr to Aetiology

Year : 2024 | Volume :02 | Issue : 01 | Page : 36-42

Gyanendra Gupta

Gagan Devi


Cardiovascular disease (CVD), the foremost cause of mortality worldwide, has surged by 60% globally, reaching 20.5 million deaths in 2021 from 12.1 million in 1990, as per the latest report from the World Health Federation. While this increase is alarming on a global scale, it raises even greater concerns in countries like India where heart ailments are afflicting individuals at a younger age. The escalation of CVD among the younger population in this region is particularly worrisome. The predisposing factors contributing to this trend are multifaceted. Diabetes, obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption stand out as significant risk factors that contribute to the early onset of heart diseases. These lifestyle choices and health conditions not only exacerbate the likelihood of developing cardiovascular issues but also compound their severity. Addressing this pressing issue demands a multifaceted approach. Central to this effort is the imperative to enhance awareness among the general population regarding the underlying causes of CVD. Educating individuals about the etiology of cardiovascular diseases is paramount to empowering them to make informed decisions about their lifestyles and health behaviors. Through targeted educational initiatives, public health campaigns, and community outreach programs, it is possible to foster a culture of proactive cardiovascular health management. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and resources necessary to mitigate risk factors and adopt healthier lifestyles, we can strive towards stemming the tide of premature CVD-related deaths and fostering a healthier future for generations to come.

Keywords: Cardiovascular disease, World Health Federation, Diabetes, Obesity and Aetiology

[This article belongs to International Journal of Biomedical Innovations and Engineering(ijbie)]

How to cite this article: Gyanendra Gupta, Gagan Devi. Coronary Vascular Disease: A General Review wsr to Aetiology. International Journal of Biomedical Innovations and Engineering. 2024; 02(01):36-42.
How to cite this URL: Gyanendra Gupta, Gagan Devi. Coronary Vascular Disease: A General Review wsr to Aetiology. International Journal of Biomedical Innovations and Engineering. 2024; 02(01):36-42. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 02
Issue 01
Received February 1, 2024
Accepted February 5, 2024
Published March 1, 2024