Agribot: Arduino controlled Automatic seed sowing machine for small scale cultivation.

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : –

Avinash kumar Parmar,

Talati Chaitanya J.,

Chawda Jaymin V.,

Desai Devansh V.,

Dr Himanshu Patel,

  1. Student Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Gujarat India
  2. Student Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Gujarat India
  3. Student Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Gujarat India
  4. Student Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Gujarat India
  5. Assistant Professor Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad Gujarat


The Agribot is a robot that reduces the efforts and total cost of sowing the seeds. A seed Sowing Machine should
be suitable for all farms, have robust construction, also it should be reliable, this is the basic requirement of a
sowing machine. Thus, we made a seed-sowing machine that is operated manually but reduces the efforts of
farmers thus increasing the efficiency of planting and also reducing the problem encountered in manual
planting, we have provided a cultivator at the bottom of the robot which will be used to cultivate the land and
then the seed will fall at the fixed interval with the help of motors. For this robot, we use an Arduino for
controlling purposes, servo motor for water sprinkler direction, DC motors to rotate the seed rotor, and also a
battery to power the robot. So, in this project seed is falling at fixed intervals of time and the bot is moving at a
constant speed so that linearity in the plantation is maintained, wastage of seed is prevented and seeds will fall
at uniform distances. Also, a mechanism is constructed so that after the seed falls on the ground through a seed
rotor which is controlled with a DC motor and commands through a Bluetooth module a fine amount of soil is
covered on the seed, and after that water is sprinkled on it through the same bot. A mobile application is used to
command the robot with the help of the Bluetooth module. On receiving the signals from the mobile application,
the Bluetooth module will give data to the Arduino and then the Arduino will provide the necessary
signals to the motors.

Keywords: Automation; Agribot; seed sowing; low cost; watering; faring machine; time saving; land.

[This article belongs to Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering(etce)]

How to cite this article: Avinash kumar Parmar, Talati Chaitanya J., Chawda Jaymin V., Desai Devansh V., Dr Himanshu Patel. Agribot: Arduino controlled Automatic seed sowing machine for small scale cultivation.. Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering. 2024; 11(03):-.
How to cite this URL: Avinash kumar Parmar, Talati Chaitanya J., Chawda Jaymin V., Desai Devansh V., Dr Himanshu Patel. Agribot: Arduino controlled Automatic seed sowing machine for small scale cultivation.. Emerging Trends in Chemical Engineering. 2024; 11(03):-. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received June 26, 2024
Accepted July 12, 2024
Published August 1, 2024

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