Editorial board

Editor Overview

ijudd maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.

E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (+91) 0120- 4781 200, (+91) 120 4781 288
Mob: (+91) 981-007-8958, (+91)-966-7725-932

Meet the Editorial Board Members


Editor in Chief (1)

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Dr. Neena Singh Zutshi


World University of Design

Haryana , India

Institution Profile Link: https://worlduniversityofdesign.ac.in/deans.php

Email :

Associate Editor in Chief (3)

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Ar. Tara Sharma Singla


Lovely Professional University

Punjab , India, 144411

Institution Profile Link: https://schools.lpu.in/architecture-design/#senior-faculty

Email :

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Dr. Parag Govardhan Narkhede

Head of the Department

BKPS College of Architecture Pune: Government of Maharashtra

Maharashtra , India, 411030

Institution Profile Link: http://www.bkps.edu/assets/img/bio/DR.%20P.%20G.%20NARKHEDE.pdf

Email :

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Professor and Dean

RIT Kottayam

Kerala , India, 686501

Institution Profile Link: http://www.rit.ac.in/staffdetails.php?dep=ARCH

Email :

Editor (7)

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Dr. Meeta Tandon

Associate Professor

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical

Lucknow , India

Institution Profile Link: https://foaaktu.ac.in/new_foap/Meeta_tandon.aspx

Email :

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Dr. Manfredo Manfredini

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture and Planning,The University of Auckland

Auckland , New Zeeland

Institution Profile Link: https://profiles.auckland.ac.nz/m-manfredini

Email :

bcf12b6c jasmine

Ms. Jasmine Gohil

Associate Dean

Anant National University

Ahmedabad , India

Institution Profile Link: https://anu.edu.in/faculty/jasmine-gohil/

Email :

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Dr. Snehal Nagarsheth

Dean and Professor

Anant National University

Ahmedabad , India

Institution Profile Link: https://anu.edu.in/faculty/snehal-nagarsheth/

Email :

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Ar. Dr. Masud Ur Rashid

Associate Professor and Chairman

Southeast University

Dhaka , Bangladesh

Institution Profile Link: https://seu.edu.bd/dept/architecture.php?id=faculty

Email :

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Dr. Md. Nawrose Fatemi

Associate Professor

University of Asia Pacific

Dhaka , Bangladesh

Institution Profile Link: https://www.uap-bd.edu/architecture/arch_faculties.php

Email :

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Dr. Neeta Rajesh Lambe

Associate Professor

Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College Of Architecture

Nagpur , India, 440006

Institution Profile Link: https://smmca.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Neeta-Lambe.pdf

Email :

Section Editor (1)

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Associate Professor

Marian College of Architecture and Planning Thiruvananthapuram

Kerala , India, 695582

Institution Profile Link: https://www.mcap.edu.in/mcap/faculty_php.php

Email :

STM Journals, An imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.,
A-118, 1st Floor, Sector-63, Noida, U.P. India, Pin – 201301, India

Principle Contact
Neetu Raghav Commissioning Editor
Phone:- (+91) 120 4781 288
[email protected]


STM Journals, an Imprint of Consortium eLearning Network Pvt Ltd.
A-118, First floor, Sector-63
Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301

Principle Contact

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 Neetu Raghav (Commissioning Editor)
 Phone:-  +911204781141
 [email protected]