Editor’s Profile

Name: Dr. Pallavi Sharma

Editor : International Journal of Architecture and Infrastructure Planning


Affiliation: Amity University Haryana, Amity Education Valley, Manesar, Gurgaon, India 122412

Institutional Profile Link : https://amity.edu/faculty-detail-new.aspx?facultyID=942

About Me

Professor in Department of Architecture & Planning at Amity University Haryana, Amity Education Valley, Manesar, Gurgaon, India
My expertise are Sustainable Building and Technology, architecture and planning, rural and regional development.

Recent Publications

  1. Aula G, Sharma M. Nutrición Hospitalaria [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2023 Nov 29];25:39–48. Available from: https://www.redalyc.org/pdf/3092/309226755006.pdf
  2. Agarwal V, Ansuiya Warikoo, Prakash P, Sharma P, Pahwa M, Alam F. Ocimum Sanctum: A Herbal Agent for Revivification of Periodontal Health. International journal of pharmaceutical sciences and nanotechnology [Internet]. 2023 May 1 [cited 2024 Feb 6];16(2):6445–52. Available from: http://ijpsnonline.com/index.php/ijpsn/article/view/3648
  3. Sharma P, Dhanwantri K, Mehta S. Solid Waste Management. International Journal of Environmental Research and Development. 2014;4:49-54.‌ Available Here: https://www.ripublication.com/ijerd_spl/ijerdv4n1spl_09.pdf
  4. Sharma P, Dhanwantri K. Application of materials in interior design. International Education Applied Scientific Research Journal. 2017;2(7):3-4. Available Here: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/APPLICATION-OF-MATERIALS-IN-INTERIOR-DESIGN-Sharma-Dhanwantri/387aabadd2dd5bc09c0a4fa76f7f2b739aebca22