FlavorFlow: Web Implementation of Food Ordering System

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : –

Hashim Meer Hashmi,

Imran Hussain,

Aqueel Khaliquee,


Our proposed framework is a web food request framework that enables customers to use it easily. It subdues the disadvantages of the queuing system. Our proposed framework could serve as a platform for convenient online food ordering from restaurants. This system enhances the process of receiving orders from customers. The online food ordering system presents a menu online, allowing customers to easily place orders according to their preferences. Additionally, customers can track their orders efficiently with the menu. This system also includes a feature for users to rate the food items. Key- features include real-time order tracking, personalized recommendations based on user preferences and history, and robust backend tools for eateries to monitor orders, manage inventory, and analyze sales data. Our proposed food ordering system demonstrates notable improvements in operational efficiency, customer contentment, and service quality in the food industry. Furthermore, the suggested framework has the capability to suggest food items based on user ratings. Payments can be completed either online or upon delivery. For more secure requests, partitioned accounts are kept up with each client by giving them an ID and a password. This is to ensure security and avert any false act for both parties.

Keywords: Web-Based Application, Ordering System, Online Management System, online food ordering, order tracking

[This article belongs to E-Commerce for Future & Trends(ecft)]

How to cite this article: Hashim Meer Hashmi, Imran Hussain, Aqueel Khaliquee. FlavorFlow: Web Implementation of Food Ordering System. E-Commerce for Future & Trends. 2024; 11(03):-.
How to cite this URL: Hashim Meer Hashmi, Imran Hussain, Aqueel Khaliquee. FlavorFlow: Web Implementation of Food Ordering System. E-Commerce for Future & Trends. 2024; 11(03):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ecft/article=2024/view=169275


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received May 18, 2024
Accepted July 24, 2024
Published August 27, 2024

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