Current Issue
Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies Cover

Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technologies

ISSN: 2349-9001

Editors Overview

jomet maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.


Vol-11 Issue-01 2024

Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- June 13, 2024

Fuel Flow: Streamlining Fuel Dispensing with RFID and ESP8266 Integration

Hrishikesh Barge, Balaji Apet, Kunal Chavan, Prashant Dahale
Keywords: RFID , LCD , ATmega328 , ultrasonic sensor , . Keypad

Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- June 14, 2024

Utilizing Image Processing Methods for Infrared (IR) Intensity Measurement across Spatial and Temporal Domains

Dhanishta Gotmare, R.S.Kawitkar, R.K.Kalal, P.A.Kulkarni, Vaishnavi Waghmale, Akshada Shingavi
Keywords: Calibration, Infrared Intensity, Spatial, Spectroradiometer, Temporal

Regular Issue  Subscription Review Article Published on :- June 14, 2024

A Review on Electro Cardio Graph a New Approach

Farsana Muhammed2 Muhammed, Jubairiyath beevi A
Keywords: Electro Cardio Graph, normal ECG, Internet of Things (IoT), monitoring system, Light weight Access Control (LAC)

Regular Issue  Subscription Review Article Published on :- June 15, 2024

Harnessing the Potential of Virtual Instrumentation

Krishnapriya M, Farsana Muhammed
Keywords: VI (Virtual Instrumentation), LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench), MATLAB(matrix laboratory), wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), High Voltage Power Devices (HVPD),Virtual Instrumentation System(VIS)

Regular Issue  Subscription Original Research Published on :- July 1, 2024

Simulation And Analysis of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting System Operating at 2.45 GHz Frequency

Ayush Raj Raj, Abhinav Kumar, Dr. B.P. Mishra, Deepanshu Choubey
Keywords: Rectenna, RF energy harvesting, Rectifier, Schottky diode.

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