Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review on Prospecting of Anticancer Molecules from Fungi & Other Microbes

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Mukesh Chander,

Jasmeet Kaur,

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Khalsa College (Autonomous) Amritsar, Punjab, India
  2. PG Student, Department of Biotechnology, Khalsa College (Autonomous) Amritsar, Punjab, India


Marine biota namely actinomycetes, bacteria, fungi, microalgae, green algae, oceanic weeds, mangroves, and other extremophiles constitute about 90% of the oceanic biomass. The organisms are diverse taxonomically, biological productive/active, and bio-chemically unique. These unique biochemiques may act as a great source fore for the discovery of new bioactive molecules including anticancer drugs. The marines produce medicinally potent bio-chemicals namely sulphated saccharides, polyphenols and, sterols. Only a few of these alkaloids have been studied for their pharmacological properties namely antitumour, immunostimulatory, and antioxidative activities. The phytochemicals may probably interact with macrophages, initiating cell death, and prevent mutational damage to DNA, reducing event of carcinogenesis. Peptides are bioactive products which are inherent to many marine species. These marine peptides are of immense nutraceutical and medicinal importance as they have broad range of bioactivities including microbicidal, antiviral, antimelanoma, antioxidative, cardioprotective, immunomodulatory, analgesic, anti-anxiety, anti-diabetic, appetite suppressing and neuroprotective activities which have attracted the attention of the pharmaceutical industry, which attempts to modify them for treatment, cure and prevention of various diseases. Some of these peptides and their derivatives are highly valuable commercially and developed as pharmaceutical and nutraceuticals commercially. The marine habitat, little explored, may act as a potential source of novel bioactive compounds acting as prospective and potent biopharmaceuticals. The biological and the artificially synthesized/modified form of these chemicals may prove as novel therapeutic agents. The recent progress in technology and deep sea exploration missions have made the drug discovery from oceanic sources a reality, resulting in screening, isolation and modification of drugs capable of curing cancer, Parkinson, Alzheimer and various other uncurable disorders and diseases. The available technology and use of modern gadgets have brought the depths of ocean within human approach and now marine resource like sponges, corals, etc. can be studied for their potential utilization in biopharmaceutical industry. In future various types of bioactive compounds discovered for treating the diseases and these marine bioactive compounds are very beneficial and have no side effects.

Keywords: Antioxidant, Antitumor, Bioactive molecules, Biopharmaceuticals, Microbes

How to cite this article: Mukesh Chander, Jasmeet Kaur. Aquatic Ecosystems: A Review on Prospecting of Anticancer Molecules from Fungi & Other Microbes. International Journal of Fungi. 2024; ():-.
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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received September 2, 2024
Accepted September 15, 2024
Published September 16, 2024

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