Article Withdrawal Policy
International Journal of Machine Design and Manufacturing Cover

International Journal of Machine Design and Manufacturing

Editors Overview

ijmdm maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.

Article Withdrawal Policy


The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is the building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them.

ijfa adheres to the highest standards of ethics and integrity in journal publication; we request our authors to sincerely adhere to the global publication norms for quality publications.

We ardently believe that all authors undertake the following precautions before submitting the manuscript to any journal:

  • The manuscript is free from copyright infringement
  • The manuscript submitted by the author has the consent of all the authors in the group.
  • In some cases, students/researchers do not take prior permission from their guides and professors before sending/submitting their manuscripts in journals.
  • The manuscript is not published either partially or completely in any form, in any other Journal.
  • The manuscript is properly withdrawn from any previous publisher.
  • The manuscript is not submitted to any other journal at the time of submission to ijfa.
  • A manuscript is not a redundant publication i.e., publishing many similar manuscripts based on the same experiment.

Manuscript withdrawal charges

  • If the author/conference organizers/or a third party requests a withdrawal of the manuscript, within a week (w.e.f. the date of our acknowledgment email of the receipt of a manuscript at our end). The author is allowed to withdraw the manuscript without paying any withdrawal penalty.
  • However, If the authors/conference organizers/or a third party withdraw manuscripts any time after the final manuscript has already been submitted to ijfa for processing, the request will not be entertained without a withdrawal penalty, which is basically to cover the cost incurred and also to check such practices.
  • If the author still wants to withdraw the manuscript, the author needs to submit a written letter to STM Journals stating the reasons for manuscript withdrawal along with $1500 as Manuscript Withdrawal Charges.
  • STM Journals will provide the author with a formal letter of Manuscript Withdrawal. Withdrawal of manuscripts is only allowed after the withdrawal penalty has been fully paid to the STM Journals by the authors or conference organizers.
  • Authors can continue to publish other manuscripts with STM Journals provided they follow the manuscript submission guidelines. or can write us at [email protected]


Normally ijfa follows a rapid publication strategy, however, depending upon the manuscript and editorial board availability, manuscript vetting may take a significantly longer time. In a case where a manuscript has taken more than six months for reviewer assignment then ijfa allows the author to withdraw the manuscript without paying any charges.

Please Note Any manuscript once in the editing/reviewing stage is not allowed to be withdrawn without paying Withdrawal Penalty. ijfa holds ALL RIGHTS to publish the manuscript without further approval from the author, and can’t be held responsible for the publishing of the manuscript in any other Journal.

When to submit your paper in other Journals

The publication is a difficult process, and the author must be prepared to defend his/her submission against rejection from both editors and peer reviewers. It is important to be persistent when getting your manuscript published. It is best not to choose another journal until at least one of the following happens:

  • The editors decide that your manuscript is not a relevant subject match for the journal.
  • The editor rejects your manuscript without review for a second time after you write a response to their first rejection.
  • Your manuscript is still rejected after responding to all reviewer comments, and it has received negative review feedback from the reviewers.

Have further queries?

For any queries, suggestions, and for making “withdrawal penalty” payments do right to us mentioning “Manuscript Withdrawal Charges “ in the subject line to

Email: [email protected]