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Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 13-Jun-2024

Formulation And Evaluation of Vyadhikshamatva Vardhak Giloy Ghanvatis

Vaishnavi Vaikunth Patil, Vaishnavi Sunil Patil, Vaibhav Mahendra Patil, Swapnil Kailas Patil, Mr. Sameer R. Shaikh, Mr. Azam Z. Shaikh,
AbstractThe product of Kalka Kalpana, one of the five essential ayurvedic medicinal preparations, is vati Kalpana. Because of its many advantages, such as its . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science (rrjohs)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 11-Jun-2024

Hydroponics Culture Regulated Metabolic Variations in Plants of Medicinal Value

A. Aggarwal, T. Singh, U. Srivastava, A. Mathur,
AbstractThe current review chiefly brings to light the importance of alternative cultivation strategies for medicinal plants about the effective enhancement . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science (rrjohs)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 24-May-2024

Medicinal potential of Cullen corylifolium in ageing and ageing related diseases

Ayushi Tyagi, Aaysha Gupta, Sonam Chawla,
AbstractCullen corylifolium is a tropical medicinal plant of the Fabaceae family, generally known as Babchi/Bakuchi in various regions of Asia. Cullen . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science (rrjohs)]