Role of Facility Management in Fire and Life Safety in Hospitals

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Rohan Roy

Kuldeep Kumar

Virendra Kumar Paul

  1. Student Department of Building Engineering and Management, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi New Delhi India
  2. PhD Scholar Department of Building Engineering and Management, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi New Delhi India
  3. Professor and Head Department of Building Engineering and Management, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi New Delhi India


Hospitals are significant buildings where people receive medical care around-the-clock. An internal hazard like a fire is more disruptive and puts more pressure on hospital authorities to ensure the safety of the patients and visitors who are unfamiliar building and the procedures to follow in case of a fire. In order to keep the patients safe in the event of a fire, every healthcare facility needs to have a plan in place. Building fire safety has become a major concern as a result of the fact that the current fire protection systems do not fully address all current fire hazards. Facility Management is beneficial in this instance. Through scheduled and periodic maintenance, facility management keeps places in good working order. The strategy used when providing services might range from offering entirely individualized services to offering services that are universally applicable. Each facility is reliant on the others, and each service is interdependent to each other. Standardization will place a focus on dependability, lowering defects, and saving costs within services. Numerous factors affect how well fire safety is managed, but the fundamental problem is that different services lack consistent procedures. This study proposes guidelines & recommendations that can be incorporated in the contractual obligations during the award of facility management services which can be instrumental for enhancing the fire and life safety of the building.

Keywords: Facility management, fire safety management, hospitals, facility manager, fire & life safety

How to cite this article: Rohan Roy, Kuldeep Kumar, Virendra Kumar Paul. Role of Facility Management in Fire and Life Safety in Hospitals. International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Rohan Roy, Kuldeep Kumar, Virendra Kumar Paul. Role of Facility Management in Fire and Life Safety in Hospitals. International Journal of Architectural Design and Planning. 2023; ():-. Available from:


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Subscription Review Article
Received January 4, 2023
Accepted February 2, 2023
Published March 22, 2023